Bidder/Buyer signature herein acknowledges that he/she understands the Auction Broker Participation program as well as the role of their agent/broker
Furthermore if you as the Bidder/Buyer are the successful purchaser at the auction and successfully closes the transaction, your agent/broker will receive a commission from the sale. Receipt of commission from the seller does not prevent the buyer from compensating their agent/broker as well.
Please keep in mind that auctions general allow property to reach its current market value. Preparation for the auction event with your real estate professional will help you be prepared to bid and win the properties you want. Even though every one wants to buy a bargain, an opening bid to low many times invites other bidders to compete against you, that would have otherwise not, if you had placed a more substantial bid at the start. Keep this tip in mind when you set your opening bid. Bid to Win!